
Companion repository to the FSharpConf 2023 talk: Scientific Computing with F#

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Companion repository to the FSharpConf 2023 talk: Scientific Computing with F#


Introduction to Monte-Carlo Methods https://arxiv.org/pdf/0905.1629.pdf

Ising Spin Glasses Mapped To NP-Complete Problems https://arxiv.org/pdf/1302.5843.pdf

Vector Representation of Linear Regression Gradient Descent Stanford CS229 Summer 2019 Offering taught by Anand Avati https://youtu.be/Lnhazlzjatw?List=ploromvodv4rnh7ql6-efu_q2_bpuy0adh&t=2720

Code for this presentation https://github.com/johnazariah/fsharpconf23-scientific-computing