Collection of NUnit Live and File Templates for Resharper to quickly generate tests.

Release history

  • 0.0.1 Basic templates
  • 0.0.2 Assertion templates (Thanks Guilherme Morais)

How to build package

cd ReSharperNUnitTemplates
mkdir ../ExtensionsBuilds #folder for builds
In Visual Studio → Resharper → Options → Extension Manager add that folder as package source
choco install NuGet.CommandLine #install nuget commandline via chocolatey

nuget pack -OutputDirectory ..\ExtensionsBuilds

How to push to gallery

nuget setApiKey [api_key_can_be_found_via_web_ui] -Source
nuget push ..\ExtensionsBuilds\ReSharper.Templates.NUnit.[Version]
.nupkg -Source