This module is a thin wrapper around the rtmpdump
binary. It provides
a readable stream you can pipe to your heart's content.
The rtmpdump
binary must be installed on your system.
The options are those used by rtmpdump
, both short and long options are supported (see example).
$ rtmpdump --help
to list them all.
$ npm install rtmpdump
var rtmpdump = require('rtmpdump');
var fs = require('fs');
var options = {
rtmp: 'rtmp://host.tld/app/path',
playpath: 'mp4:playpath',
pageUrl: 'http://host.tld/somepage.html',
swfVfy: 'http://host.tld/player.swf',
v: null // parameter-less command line switches must have null as a value
var stream = rtmpdump.createStream(options);
stream.on('connected', function(info) {
// info provides various details about the stream
// duration, resolution, codecs, ...
stream.on('progress', function(kbytes, elapsed, percent) {
console.log('%s kbytes read, %s secs elapsed, %s%%', kbytes, elapsed, percent);
stream.on('error', function(err) {
// as usual, unhandled error events will throw