
Native Canvas API does not have a method to wrap text onto the next line when a desired maximum width is reached. This library solves that problem and adds a few additional capabilities

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Canvas Text Box

Native Canvas API does not have a method to wrap text onto the next line when a desired maximum width is reached.

Canvas Text Box is a Javascript librabry that allows wrapping and measuring text on canvas element. Text is wrapped inside the box dimensions. A background can be added to the text.

Basic usage

let canvas1 = document.getElementById("example1-canvas");
canvasTextBox.draw(canvas1, text);

This will use default options when rendering the text. Multiple options are available to customize the appearance of text in the box


let options = {
    option1: 'value1',
    option2: 'value2',
canvasTextBox.draw(canvas1, text, options);

Available options

Font related options

These options are used to generate string used for setting CanvasRenderingContext2D.font property. As stated, it is a DOMString parsed as CSS font value.

  • fontFamily: 'Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif' font-family declaration
  • fontStyle: 'normal', font-style
  • fontVariant: 'normal' font-variant
  • fontWeight: 'normal' font-weight
  • fontSize: 32, font-size in pixels
  • lineHeight: 40, line-height in pixels
  • textFillStyle: '#000000' color of the text fill
  • textAlign: 'left' alignment of the text within the text box. Accepted values: left, center

Background related options

You can set a background for your text or for a whole textbox.

  • useBackground: false set this to true if you want your text(box) to have a background color
  • fullWidthBackground: false set this true if you want that whole textbox has a background. If false (default value) then only letters will have a background.
  • backgroundFillStyle: 'rgba(50,50,50,0.5)' fill style of the background.

Position and layout options

  • startX: 20 X-axis start position in pixels (top left of the textbox)
  • startY: 20 Y-axis start position in pixels (top left of the textbox)
  • width: 200 width of the textbox in pixels
  • bottomAligned: false set this to true if you want your textbox to be bottom aligned relative to canvas. In that case startY property is not relevant and marginBottom will be considered during calculations
  • marginTop: 0 not used in this version
  • marginBottom: 20 used when bottomAligned is set to true to calculate the distance of the last line from the bottom of the canvas
  • marginLeft: 0 not used in this version
  • marginRight: 0 not used in this version
  • paddingLeft: 10 used only to calculate spread of the background fill left of the text
  • paddingRight: 20 used only to calculate spread of the background fill right of the text. Should be double of paddingLeft for "nice looking results"
  • paddingTop: 20 used only to calculate spread of the background fill above the text