
.NET framework for the Viddler.com API

Primary LanguageC#

Debug - binaries compiled using debug mode
- ViddlerV2.dll - compiled .NET wrapper library.
- ViddlerV2.pdb - debugging and project state information to help developers debug their applications, which reference the wrapper library.
- ViddlerV2.xml - XML documentation file - when used in Visual Studio - provides detailed description of classes and class members available in the wrapper library. It is also known as IntelliSense.

- ViddlerDemo.exe - simple demonstrator application, which uses .NET wrapper library.
- ViddlerV2.dll - compiled .NET wrapper library.

- ViddlerV2.chm - documentation, developer's help - describes all classes and class members available in the wrapper library; includes simple "how to start code sample"; describes how to configure the service.

Release - binaries compiled using release mode (optimized for high performance)
- ViddlerV2.dll - compiled .NET wrapper library.
- ViddlerV2.xml - XML documentation file - when used in Visual Studio - provides detailed description of classes and class members available in the wrapper library. It is also known as IntelliSense.

Source - source code of both, the wrapper library and demonstator application.

	v1.1 - Updated project to Visual Studio 2010
		 - Changed Viddler.Videos.GetByUser to provide parameter for Tags
			- Added optional parameter "tags" to preserve backwards compatiblity without adding overload
			- "tags" parameter must be comma separated list if more than one tag is desired
	v1.0 - Initial Release