
Fleet demo setup

Primary LanguageBicepThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Fleet Demo Deployment


export BICEP_WIN_PWD="..."
export SUBSCRIPTION_ID='...'
export FLEET_LOCATION="australiaeast"

or use the following az deployment command:

az deployment sub create \
--name "fleet-mgr-$(date -I)" \
--location ${FLEET_LOCATION} \
--subscription ${SUBSCRIPTION_ID} \
--template-file main.bicep \
--parameters main.bicepparam


The solution includes the following resources:

  • fleet resource group: flt-demo

  • clusters resource group: flt-demo-clusters

  • hubless fleet: /subscriptions/<subscription>/resourceGroups/flt-demo/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/fleet-mgr

5 clusters across different regions:

  • 1 x australiaeast (windows)
  • 1 x westcentralus (azlinux)
  • 1 x northeurope (azlinux)
  • 1 x australiaeast (azlinux)
  • 1 x southeastasia (azlinux)

see cluster.bicep for more details on their configuration. see main.bicepparams for the parameters used to deploy the resources

The clusters are joined to the fleet, with staging, europe and latam groups.

2 update strategies:

  • fast: [all]
  • staged: [euap][europe, latam]

2 autoupgrade profiles:

  • k8s rapid, with staged strategy
  • node image, with fast strategy