A Full Stack application built with Kotlin, Spring Boot 2 and Angular 10. You can run this project like a standard Spring Boot and Angular application or using Docker Compose to launch the whole application with one command.
Kotlin, Spring Boot 2 and Angular 10 WebShop
This project aims to present how to create and configure a Kotlin + Spring Boot 2 + Angular 10 Web application.
Angular Flex Layout provides a sophisticated layout API using Flexbox CSS + mediaQuery.
Running the application
In Development mode
On Windows
## Run PostgreSQL database on Dockercd webshop-backend/.docker/dependencies
## Build backend from base directory using Maven Wrappercd ../../..
mvnw.cmd clean install -pl webshop-backend
## Run backend using Maven Wrapper or simply run Application class
mvnw.cmd spring-boot:run -pl webshop-backend
## Run Frontend Angular application using npmcd webshop-frontend
npm i
npm run start
On MacOS / Linux
## Run PostgreSQL database on Dockercd webshop-backend/.docker/dependencies
## Build backend from base directory using Maven Wrappercd ../../..
./mvnw clean install -pl webshop-backend
## Run backend using Maven Wrapper or simply run Application class
./mvnw spring-boot:run -pl webshop-backend
## Run Frontend Angular application using npmcd webshop-frontend
npm i
npm run start
Using Docker
On Windows
## Run Backend and Frontend using Docker Composecd .docker
On MacOS / Linux
## Run Backend and Frontend using Docker Composecd .docker