
A Real-Time single-page web application for the ASP.NET Core (RC2) Framework. (React, OpenIdConnect.Server, MassTransit, SignalR, ...)

Primary LanguageC#


06/06/2016: updated to rc2

Windows (mono): Build status Linux (mono): Build Status

Real Time Web Starter Kit for the .NET Framework

RealTimeWeb.net is an example real-time web appliction written in vNext, the latest multiplatform .NET version. On the front-end it uses ASP.NET 5 and React. On the back-end is a uses PostgreSQL for data storage (not yet finished)

It demostrates:

  • How to create a SPA with ASP.NET 5 and React
  • How to use OAuth to authenticate the SPA and additional applications
  • (more to come)

More information about the implementation can be found on Tim Cools's blog: http://www.soloco.be/realtimeweb-net-overview/