
Expense Tracker using MongoDB, Express, React Hooks, & Node.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Expense tracker


Using React hooks users can create and delete transactions that will return the income, expense, and grand total in USD.


Use the package manager npm to install hooked-expense-tracker. It is installed with Node.js

git init
git clone https://github.com/johnbroaddusivccv/hooked-expense-tracker.git
cd hooked-expense-tracker/
npm install

Install Dev Dependencies

npm -D install nodemon concurrently

  • Create a dotenv file to set your MongoDB URI and PORT
  • Create an eviromental variable named NODE_DEV set to either production or development


npm run dev

Build & Deploy to Heroku

  • bash into the client folder
cd client
npm run build
  • Bash into the root directory
cd ..
Heroku create
  • Make sure every step up until this has been completed otherwise the build might fail
  • Also Make sure to go to your mongoDB ATLAS account in the network access tab on the cluster you created for this full stack application whitelist the IP by allowing access to every starting point.
  • Set the IP Address to
git heroku push master


  • Example of React Hooks implemented in Transaction Component

export const Transaction = ({ transaction }) => {
  const { deleteTransaction } = useContext(GlobalContext);
  const sign = transaction.amount < 0 ? "-" : "+";
    return (
    <li className={transaction.amount < 0 ? "minus" : "plus"}>
      {transaction.text}{" "}
        onClick={() => deleteTransaction(transaction._id)}
  • Being able to manage state in a simple (and reusable) manner within function components.
