
This ansible role uses akamai credentials to submit either ARL or CPCODE purges through the Akamai API.

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Akamai purge

This role uses akamai credentials to submit either ARL or CPCODE purges through the Akamai API.

Further documentation resources

To check the akamai queue status

ansible-playbook akamai.yml -i inventory/local --tags akamai_status

To purge ARL's (asset resource location?)

ansible-playbook akamai.yml -i inventory/local --tags akamai_purge_arl -vv --extra-vars arl=http://www.example.com/graphics/picture.gif,http://www.example.com/documents/brochure.pdf

To purge CPCODE's

ansible-playbook akamai.yml -i inventory/local --tags akamai_purge_cpcode --extra-vars cpcode=number,number1,number2

To notify flowdock channels via team_profiles definition add the notify_team variable

--extra-vars 'cpcode=number,anotherNumber notify_team=release_team'

To check if an ARL is cached

ansible-playbook akamai.yml -i inventory/local --tags akamai_query -vv --extra-vars arl=https://www.example.com/favicon.ico

Example provided by akamai tech

curl -i -H "Pragma: akamai-x-cache-on, akamai-x-cache-remote-on, akamai-x-check-cacheable, akamai-x-get-cache-key" https://www.example.com/favicon.ico