Protect against accidental stack destroy commands when multiple referenced stacks are in use.
This tool acts as a wrapper around your pulumi CLI command. The only interception it makes is when the "destroy" command is issued, at which point it will check to see if the stack being destroyed is referenced by any other stacks.
pulumi-protect can also delete dependant stacks, making it much easier to clean up chains
of stacks that are no longer needed. This is done by passing the --delete-dependants
to the command.
Given that all ops are destructive, the only this pulumi-protect does is to print out the commands that it would execute. If you are happy with the commands, you can then respond with "y/n" to execute exactly these commands.
Install this command as a dotnet global tool, then run it instead of the pulumi command using exactly the same parameters you would provide to the pulumi CLI command, and it will validate
You should export an environment variable with your Pulumi Access Token, called: PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN