
Docs and examples for the SharedStreets REST API

MIT LicenseMIT

SharedStreets API

Global SharedStreets Tile Sets

SharedStreets generates and publishes a global OpenStreetMap-derived tile set of street segment references, geometries, intersections and metadata encoded in protocol bufffer format (see the SharedStreets Referencing System for details). These tiles are generated from periodic weekly planet.osm snapshots and converted to mercator z-12 tiles. The tiles are made available for download via the following endpoint:


For a givien planet tile build (e.g. planet-180430) a valid request looks like:


SharedStreets API

SharedStreets maintains an API that provides convenience functions on top of the tile data sets. These functions convert data to JSON and GeoJSON formats and allow dynamic map matching from point and line geometries.

Base URL + Versioning

The SharedStreets API calls described below can be made via the following semantically versioned endpoint:


All API endpoints require a valid key to be included in the request.

API Endpoints requiring API Key authorization


Endpoints for requesting SharedStreets data as GeoJSON:

Point and Geometry Matching

Endpoints for dynamic map matching from point and line geometries: