
Starter repo for building a simple todo application on top of. Useful for giving to interview candidates as a weekend challenge.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Weekend Challenge


Build a simple todo application that interacts with the provided NodeJS API. The application can be as simple or feature rich as you want.

  • Must use a modern frontend framework or language
  • CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Material Design are optional
  • Maximum of three dependencies
    • Not counting frameworks, dev dependencies, or any build tools such as Gulp or Webpack
  • Must not copy any code, markup, or styling from readily available online examples of todo applications
  • Must keep the state of the todo list in sync with the API at all times (not counting UI state like "hide archived todos"). For example, a task that is "checked" on the frontend should have this property set to true on the backend
  • Must provide a README that explains how to run your app, as well as an explanation of the application architecture and why you made certain decisions or chose certain tools

Note: Any dependencies added in support of a bonus feature will not count towards the dependency limit

  • Extend the API to support things like... reminders, due dates, recurring todos, tags, separate lists, etc.
  • Implement a frontend state container such as Redux or MobX
  • Create separate RESTful endpoints that replicate the functionality of the RPC endpoints
  • Persist your todo list to a real database, rather than an in-memory array
  • Add better error handling to the API
  • Implement basic unit testing
  • Reorder todo items, possibly using drag'n'drop
  • Etc. etc.
API Documentation:

The API is setup to run on port 3005 and follows the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification. Start the server by cloning the repo, installing dependencies with npm install or yarn, and running npm start. Below is an example of how you might interact with one of the endpoints using curl:

$ HDR='Content-type: application/json'
$ MSG='{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "addTodo", "id": 1, "params": {"description": "Pickup the dry cleaning"}}'
$ curl -H $HDR -d $MSG http://localhost:3005
==> {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":{"description":"Pickup the dry cleaning","id":"H1KN6IWGX","checked":false,"archived":false}}

Out of the box, a standard Todo object is comprised of four properties. This structure can be extended or modified however you wish.

  • description (string)
  • id (string, auto-generated by the API)
  • checked (boolean, API will default to false if not provided)
  • archived (boolean, API will default to false if not provided)


getTodoList()      -->  [Todo, Todo, ...]
getTodo(id)        -->  Todo
addTodo(Todo)      -->  Todo
deleteTodo(id)     -->  [Todo, Todo, ...]
checkTodo(id)      -->  Todo
uncheckTodo(id)    -->  Todo
archiveTodo(id)    -->  Todo
unarchiveTodo(id)  -->  Todo

To interact with the API, you may use jayson, a JSON-RPC compliant AJAX library. Alternatively, you could use a more generic AJAX library such as axios or request, and if you're struggling to stay under the dependency limit, the built-in browser Fetch API is always an option.