
just me playing around with solidity, Mist and geth

Primary LanguageJavaScript


just me playing around with solidity, Mist and geth


brew install ethereum

Use Mist to deploy the contract. Use testnet for now.

npm install


geth --testnet --unlock="0" --rpc --rpcapi "db,eth,net,web3" --rpcaddr "localhost" --rpccorsdomain "*" console

node server.js

Lookup geth for more info on configuration.

random notes

Run Mist on OSX, pointing it to running geth node:

/Applications/Mist.app/Contents/MacOS/Mist --rpc "/Users/USERNAME/Library/Ethereum/testnet/geth.ipc"

As a Link in the chain i am able to scan a code and see a products history.

  • history is a list of addresses that have checked in and out

A Link is:

  • a private key (address).
  • a link can have meta data

As a registrar I'm able to make an initial check-in

As a Destination I'm able to terminate the chain,

  • I'll scan the code, and pay to terminate.
  1. country far away:
  • make initial check-in
  1. Link
  • check in, check out
  • define check-out criteria: Location (GPS)
  1. close to the customer - Terminate
  • terminate criteria: