
Toys for sifting through large sets of documents.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Document-driven investigative tools

This is a collection of tools for ingesting, normalizing, indexing and tagging documents in the context of a journalistic investigation.

These tools are intended to be complementary to existing platforms such as DocumentCloud and analice.me.

Use cases

  • As a journalist, I want to store a list of documents that mention a person/org/topic so that I can sift through the documents.
  • As a journalist, I want to intersect sets of documents that mention people/orgs/topics so that I can drill down on the relationships between them.
  • As a journalist, I want to combine different types of facets which represent document and entity metadata.
  • As a data importer, I want to routinely crawl and import documents from a data source.
  • As a data importer, I want to associate metadata with documents and entities to allow advanced facets.

Basic ideas

  • An entity (such as a person, organisation, or topic) is always a search query; each entity can have multiple actual queries associated with it by means of aliases (tags?).
  • Documents can be anything, and there is no guarantee that dit will be able to display it - just index it. Document display is handled by DocumentCloud etc.
  • Documents matching an entity after that entity has been created yield notifications if a user is subscribed.

Existing tools


Install Elasticsearch

Either from https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch, or using the packages from your distro.

Install Database

Aleph uses a relational database to keep track of users, crawl state, and other information.

Postgres is known to work; others supported by sqlalchemy may require some minor code changes. Install postgres, and create a user and blank database for aleph.

Install node and bower

See https://nodejs.org/en/ and http://bower.io/#install-bower

Install required packages

On Ubuntu, you can use this command

sudo apt-get install python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev antiword poppler-utils pstotext tesseract-ocr flac ffmpeg lame libmad0 libsox-fmt-mp3 sox virtualenvwrapper default-jre git rabbitmq-server

sudo apt-get build-dep python-psycopg2

and (optional, but useful for deploying):

sudo apt-get install supervisorctl nginx

Install textract

Textract has external (i.e. non-Python) dependencies. See the install guide.

Set up aleph

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/OpenOil-UG/aleph.git

Install the required python libraries

cd aleph
mkvirtualenv aleph
pip install -r requirements.txt

install and prepare JS and CSS dependencies

make assets

Configure settings

edit aleph/defaultsettings.py to include correct addresses for your database and your elasticsearch installation, and any other settings you want to tweak

Start Aleph

First, start the web interface

make web

At this point, you should be able to see a (sparse) web page at http://localhost:5000

To index documents, you will also need to have a worker running in the background. Start it with

make worker

Index some documents

On the web interface, log in using twitter. Visit http://localhost:5000/sources/new

This will let you scrape and index some documents using one of the default scrapers.


aleph is licensed under a standard MIT license (included as LICENSE).