
Scripts used to create docker-AMI images

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts used to create docker-AMI images


  1. Create the following environment variables in your ~/.bashrc file:

    export AWS_KEY="<your key>"
    export AWS_SECRET="<your secret>"
    export PRIVATE_KEY_NAME="<name of private key>"
    export PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY="<path to private key>"
    export PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD="<password for key>"
  2. Set the following:

    export IMAGE_ID="ami-d0f89fb9"
    export IMAGE_NAME="Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 LTS AMI ID ami-d0f89fb9 (x86_64)"
    export IMAGE_SIZE="25"
  3. Build the new image:

    python setup.py install
    build-docker-ami $AWS_KEY $AWS_SECRET "$IMAGE_ID" "$IMAGE_NAME" \
                     "$PRIVATE_KEY_NAME" "$PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY" \
                     "$PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD" $IMAGE_SIZE

Additional things to consider:

  • Image names are unique. If the image already exists by name, it will not be recreated.
  • Image names AMI names must be between 3 and 128 characters long, and may contain letters, numbers, '(', ')', '.', '-', '/' and '_'


Base Images

AMI Image ID Description
ami-d0f89fb9 Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 LTS AMI ID ami-d0f89fb9 (x86_64)
ami-c30360aa Ubuntu Server 13.04 AMI ID ami-c30360aa (x86_64)

Built Images

Docker Version AMI Image ID Description
0.4.7 ami-6282f00b Docker Version (0.4.7) - Ubuntu Server 13.04 AMI ID ami-c30360aa (x86_64)
0.4.7 ami-2a82f043 Docker Version (0.4.7) - Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 LTS AMI ID ami-d0f89fb9 (x86_64)