
Electron.NET with Vue project template

Primary LanguageVue

Running demo:


In the first terminal:

cd front-end
npm run serve

In the second terminal:

electronize start


  1. Open electron.net-vue.csproj and uncomment the piece under "UNCOMMENT FOR PRODUCTION"
  2. Open Startup.cs and comment out the piece under "COMMENT FOR PRODUCTION"
  3. Follow instructions at Electron.NET #Build
    (for example run electronize build /target win)

Further work

Feel free to replace vue app in front-end directory with your own configuration

rm -r front-end
vue create -n front-end

But remember to set

  configureWebpack: {
    target: 'electron-renderer',

in vue.config.js so you can use features like

const { ipcRenderer } = require("electron");

inside your vue app