
This bot is developed in Python and serves only to automate races with pegaxies, at the moment it is programmed for 4 pegaxy (the number of pegaxy can be changed in the code).

I decided to publish it for free for those who find it useful or for those who have little time to spare.


I am not responsible for penalties that the use of bots may bring, use at your own risk.


Download and setup Python from site.

Add Python to PATH System

Download Pegaxy_Racing_bot.

Go to bot PATH by CMD, example:

cd c:/Pegaxy_Racing_bot

Install requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run bot:

python main.py

Just leave the metamask connected to the game's page and after running the command above it will start interacting with the pages..

How it works:

The bot takes screenshots of the screen to locate buttons and can perform actions according to the current state of the game. If the bot clicks in the wrong place on the screen, you can provide your own print of the buttons for the screenshot folder. This improves color fidelity and resolution and makes it possible for bots to find elements more assertively.

Some parameters can be configured in the file configs.yaml

Take a coffe

The NFT market in Vietnam is growing and we can help boost community projects so that more ideas and optimization tools can emerge. Any help is welcomed.

Wallet (Polygon / USDT):


 _________         .    .
(..       \_    ,  |\  /|
 \       O  \  /|  \ \/ /
  \______    \/ |   \  / 
     vvvv\    \ |   /  |
     \^^^^  ==   \_/   |
      `\_   ===    \.  |
      / /\_   \ /      |
     |/   \_  \|      /
thuccamap   \________/ 

I refer to the article here and optimize their code.