This library provides the object FileProcessor, which allows you to read a file, optionally modify it, then write it out again. If you provide a directory path, it will process all files in that directory.
You would normally extend this class, or simply create an object and override some of its methods.
import {defined, LOG} from '@jdeighan/base-utils'
import {FileProcessor} from '@jdeighan/FileProcessor'
class MyFileProcessor extends FileProcessor
begin: () ->
@count = 0
# ..........................................................
filterFile: (hFileInfo) ->
return (hFileInfo.ext == '.zh')
# ..........................................................
beginFile: (hFileInfo) ->
LOG "FILE: #{hFileInfo.fileName}"
# ..........................................................
handleLine: (line, lineNum, hFileInfo) ->
lMatches = line.match ///^
(\**) # leading asterisks
if defined(lMatches)
[_, lAst, word] = lMatches
num = lAst.length
console.log "#{num} #{word}"
@count += 1
if (@count == 10)
return {abort: true}
fp = new MyFileProcessor('./test/')
I have a bunch of files that contain lines like:
************* 蜥蜴 xī yì - lizard
i.e. they start with a sequence of asterists, followed by
a space character, followed by a word in Chinese... the rest
doesn't matter. I want to print a count of the number of
asterisks, followed by the Chinese word. And, I only want
to do this for the first 10 lines found. Also, I want to
process all files in the test
folder that have a
file extension of .zh