
This replaces the dirk-career-revamp repo to move the project into the latest version of our generator.

Primary LanguagePython


Regarding this project

Shot data for this project is scraped from NBA's stats api (see src/assets/dirk.py), then converted to latitude and longitude for use in mapbox (see src/scraper/dirk_convert_csv_to_geojson.py). Shot data is extremely large (over 7MB) so to speed up the loading of the map, the geojson is converted from geojson to mbtiles and then to a pbf image format, and lastly, uploaded to AWS.

To do so, follow these steps in the shooting update dance:

  1. Empty the mb-tiles directory and move the dirk-shots.mbtiles and dirk-shots directories to the mb-tiles directory. This gives us a backup of working mb-tiles should something go wrong.

  2. Navigate to the scraper directory in the CL and then run pipenv shell followed by python dirk_update.py. This checks NBA's api for any new shots by Dirk and outputs a new csv of all shots and a new geojson file

  3. Upload our csv to the aws data store so we can use it to build our filters. Do so by navigating back to the root of the project and using this command: s3cmd put src/scraper/data/dirk-shots.csv s3://interactives.dallasnews.com/data-store/2018/dirk/dirk-shots-raw/ \ --acl-public --recursive --mime-type="text/csv" \ --access_key={{access_key}} --secret_key={{secret_key}}

  4. Use tippecanoe to convert to mbtiles using the following command: tippecanoe -o {{output-name}}.mbtiles -l {{layer-name}} {{path-to-geojson-file}}. For this project that command is: tippecanoe -o dirk-shots.mbtiles -l dirkshots src/scraper/data/dirk-shots.geojson

  5. Use mb-util to convert the mbtiles to pbf image format using the following command: mb-util --image_format=pbf {{mbtiles-file}} {{output-name}}

For this project, that command is: mb-util --image_format=pbf dirk-shots.mbtiles dirk-shots

This should result in a folder called dirk-shots with a nested file structure that contains several other numbered folders

  1. That folder should then be uploaded to aws, using the following command line command:
  s3cmd put dirk-shots s3://interactives.dallasnews.com/data-store/2018/dirk/dirk-shots-proper/ \
  --acl-public --recursive --mime-type="application/x-protobuf" \
  --add-header="Content-Encoding:gzip" \
--access_key={{access_key}} --secret_key={{secret_key}}

This is an interactive presentation graphic built using the dmninteractives Yeoman generator.


  • Node - brew install node
  • Gulp - npm install -g gulp-cli

Local development


  1. npm install to install development tooling
  2. gulp to open a local development server

What's inside

  • src/index.html - HTML markup, which gets processed by Nunjucks
  • src/js/*.js - Graphic scripts, written in ES2015 (it'll be transpiled with Babel)
  • src/scss/*.scss - Graphic styles in SCSS
  • src/data/* - files that should be both published and committed to the repository (probably CSVs, JSON, etc.); copied to dist/data/* by Gulp
  • src/assets/* - assets (probably media assets, such as Illustrator files) that don’t get copied by Gulp but are tracked by git
  • dist/* - All of the above, transpiled

Important caveat: Video, audio and ZIP files are ignored by git regardless of where they're saved. You'll need to manually alter the .gitignore file to have them committed to Github.


gulp publish will upload your dist/ folder to the 2018/every-shot-dirk-ever-took/ folder on our interactives S3 bucket.


©2018 The Dallas Morning News