- Nefarious IRCu ------------------------------------------------------ Nefarious IRCu is a collection of modifications to the Undernet IRC daemon known as IRCu. This version is based on Undernet IRCu by the Undernet Coder Committee. The original code can be obtained from their webpage, http://coder-com.undernet.org/ and the latest release of Nefarious IRCu can be obtained from http://sf.net/projects/evilnet/. This version is based on modifications from: * Asuka - http://dev-com.quakenet.org * Bahamut - http://bahamut.dal.net * BOPM - http://www.blitzed.org/bopm * GameSurge - http://www.gamesurge.net * Hybrid IRCd - http://www.ircd-hybrid.org * IRCa - http://www.asylum-net.org * IRCoderz IRCd - http://ircoderz.sourceforge.net * Lain - http://dev-com.b2irc.net * NetGamers IRCd - http://www.netgamers.org * RaptorIRCd - http://www.raptorircd.org * ScaryNet IRCd - http://sourceforge.net/projects/scarynet * snIRCd - http://dev-com.quakenet.org * Undernet IRCu - http://coder-com.undernet.org * Universal IRCu - http://ircu.sourceforge.net * Unreal IRCd - http://www.unrealircd.com * Ultimate IRCd - http://www.shadow-realm.org * ThunderCity - http://sourceforge.net/projects/thundercity * WhatIRCd - http://coder-com.whatnet.org * zBounce - http://sourceforge.net/projects/zbounce We apologize if we have missed an IRCd or tool in the list. If you see parts of your code being used in Nefarious and do not see your IRCd/tool above, please contact one of the developers of Nefarious. If you are running the development version of Nefarious IRCu on a production network, you are doing so at your own peril. We take NO RESPONSIBILITY for ANYTHING it might do on your network. We strongly recommend that you do NOT run the development version on a production network! You have been warned. - Special Thanks ---------------------------------------------------- Vadtec - vadtec@vadtec.net - Thanks for fixing that nasty crash bug with USER. Jobe - jobe@mdbnet.co.uk - Well without you Vadtec may not have figured out the above fix. - Nefarious coders -------------------------------------------------- reed - Reed Loden - <reed@reedloden.com> SiRVulcaN - Neil Spierling - <sirvulcan@sirvulcan.co.nz> Rubin - Alex Schumann - <rubin@afternet.org> Jobe - Matthew Beeching - <jobe@mdbnet.co.uk> - documentation ------------------------------------------------------- README (this file) - Credits, some feature lists, ssl notes READNE.Cygwin - Cygwin installation instructions (Unsupported) doc/readme.features - Full list of ircd.conf F:lines with explanations doc/example.conf - Example ircd.conf doc/p10.txt - Documentation on the P10 protocol doc/readme.asll - Documentation on AsLL doc/readme.chroot - Information on using chroot with Nefarious IRCu doc/readme.jupe - Documentation on jupes doc/readme.gline - Documentation on glines doc/readme.shun - Documentation on shuns - *IMPORTANT NOTICE* -------------------------------------------------- Do NOT ask for support for Nefarious IRCu in #coder-com on Undernet. The official support channel for Nefarious IRCu is on the AfterNET IRC Network (irc.afternet.org) in #evilnet. #coder-com on Undernet is ONLY for normal IRCu and GNUWorld. If you have found bugs in Nefarious IRCu, do NOT submit them to coder-com@undernet.org or to the undernet-ircu SourceForge site. Send them to any of the Nefarious IRCu mailing lists or the Nefarious IRCu SourceForge project site. If you submit a bug and we find out it's a bug which affects undernet-ircu, then we will forward the report on. - ssl notes ----------------------------------------------------------- If you have enabled SSL (--enable-ssl) then no doubt you will want to use port 994 for your SSL port, as it is standard. You should know that non-root users can't use ports under 1024 and the ircd wont run as root, so this becomes an issue. This can be fixed with the Bounce tool (tools/Bounce). You will need to have root access for this to work. Server to server SSL is not supported yet. cd tools/Bounce ./build edit bounce.conf (you will see a ssl example at the bottom) P: What this line will do is, bind port 994 to and any connections received on it will be fowarded to port 8000, port 8000 being a ssl configured port on the ircd (E). More Examples P: P: after the bounce.conf is done run ./bounce & If you wish to run bounce in another dir then either copy the Bounce dir out or copy the bounce binary and bounce.conf to another directory and run. - installation --------------------------------------------------------- (see ./configure --help for a range of compile time options) ./configure make make install (ircd.pem generation will be prompted if ircd.pem doesnt exist, assuming ssl is enabled, this is skipped if its disabled.) - cygwin installation -------------------------------------------------- see README.Cygwin (CYGWIN IS UNSUPPORTED) - configuration -------------------------------------------------------- cd /home/ircduser/lib nano example.conf (or vi, pico, ee, etc. :) mv example.conf ircd.conf To encrypt passwords use umkpasswd. This is compiled and install to the same directory as your ircd binary. - running -------------------------------------------------------------- cd /home/ircduser/bin ./ircd If all goes well the ircd should run. If not, you can check your ircd.conf by running ./ircd -k - crashes -------------------------------------------------------------- If your nefarious has crashed then check your dir containing ircd.conf firstly (default ~/lib). In that dir _hopefully_ is a core file, the format of name filename will be ircd.DATE.core. Take note of DATE and go into your dir containing the ircd binary (default ~/bin). In this dir do this: ls | grep DATE You should get a result, now you will have 2 files: ircd.DATE.core ircd.DATE The dates on both files may not match by one number at the end, dont worry. Now do this: tar -xcf ~/corefiles.tar.gz /path/to/ircd.DATE.core /path/to/ircd.DATE Look in your home directory for corefiles.tar.gz and email this to any email address in the Nefarious coders section towards the top of this document, along with a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash on the server. If you know how to reproduce it then tell us how. - disclaimer ----------------------------------------------------------- This software is provided "as is" with absolutely no warranties, either express or implied. It's use is done so totally at the user's own risk. Please do not assume we coded everything here ourselves, as we did not. The whole point of Nefarious is a combination of all good patches to Undernet IRCu. We try our best to give credits to code we've used, but from time to time we miss credits. See the top of this document for credits on IRCds and other code we've used. Also, see doc/Authors. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. - evilnet development - 16.12.2009 ----------------------------------------- -