Just playing about with SVG and media queries. This has been sat on my harddisk since the start of the year (and my head since 2010) waiting for bugs to be resolved in browsers, they are getting close, and we poked them along a bit with http://johndrinkwater.github.io/svg-media-queries/ so putting this live. This is the Avatar/.face I have used for the last decade+ in PNG form, that I decided to make a bit more dynamic in SVG. It should change appearance depending on requested size. Nothing is especially new, and the code is kinda obvious, so any blogging will wait til I actually start doing that again :P This, like the rest of my non-code, is licensed CC BY-SA. Though I cannot expect you will want to replicate my face entirely, do learn something from it, eh? skin, fcce9c edc1a6 eyes, 499aceff 349accff hair, 6e492cff 643204ff eye shade, 6b3819ff 643204ff beard, c98f6aff cc9a64ff background 8398b4ff