
n-tree exercises and tutorial for ubuntu 14.04

Primary LanguageC

Class Exercise for Holberton School on ntrees: Insert, Get Path, and Free

google slides verion of MSPowerpoint is here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1d8yzQGoXv1M4tm3RNj99K-bOnUkUwQBsYO_YyeEEdi8/edit?usp=sharing

To compile on ubuntu 14.04 for main_for_insert.c: gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic main_for_insert.c free_str_array.o ntree_free.c ntree_insert.c ntree_print.o string_split.o

To compile on ubuntu 14.04 for main_for_path_exists.c: gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic main_for_path_exists.c free_str_array.o ntree_free.c ntree_insert.c ntree_print.o string_split.o path_exists.c

ntree_free.c is incorporated in main*.c files