
Deploy multipoint audio sharing to Ras-Pi

BPFM installation

This is for setting up a raspberry pi to act as a hands-free device to support bluetooth audio input for use on a streaming server.

Path of audio:

mobile phone -> bluetooth A2DP -> pi -> node.js -> client browser

Hardware plan:

Raspberry Pi with bluetooth and wifi, set up as an access point serving a page to all web requests.

Client plan:

The page will use browser-native apis to deliver the audio stream.

Setup thus far

  • we did a key pair, we called the Raspberry pi user pi
  • we set up an ssh config called 'pi'
  • we made sure the laptop knew about the pi hostname
  • we installed the ansible script


edit the inventory file with the ssh Host to deploy install to run $ ansible-playbook make-nohands.yml -i inventory --ask-sudo-pass