Taming Text, by Grant Ingersoll, Thomas Morton and Drew Farris is designed to teach software engineers the basic concepts of working with text to solve search and Natural Language Processing problems. The book focuses on teaching using existing open source libraries like Apache Solr, Apache Mahout and Apache OpenNLP to manipulate text. To learn more, visit http://www.manning.com/ingersoll. Getting Started --------------- Throughout this document, TT_HOME is the directory containing the checkout of the Taming Text code base. Taming Text uses Maven for building and running the code. To get started, you will need: 1. JDK 1.6+ 2. Maven 3.0 or higher 3. The OpenNLP English models, available at http://maven.tamingtext.com/opennlp-models/models-1.5. Place the models in the TT_HOME directory in a directory named opennlp-models. This can be done by using the following commands on UNIX from the TT_HOME directory: mkdir opennlp-models cd opennlp-models wget -nd -np -r http://maven.tamingtext.com/opennlp-models/models-1.5/ rm index.html* 4. Get WordNet 3.0 and place it in the TT_HOME directory. This can be done by using the following commands on UNIX from the TT_HOME directory: wget -nd -np -m http://maven.tamingtext.com/wordnet/ rm index.html* tar -xf WordNet-3.0.tar.gz Building the Source ------------------- Prior to building the source, for those previously unfamiliar with Maven, it may be wise to read this to avoid future hassles: http://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/maven-in-five-minutes.html To build the source, in TT_HOME: mvn clean package Running the Examples -------------------- Many of the examples can be run via the 'tt' script in the TT_HOME/bin directory. Running this script without arguments will display a list of the example names. Some of the samples are powered by pre-configured instances of solr. These can be started with the TT_HOME/bin/start-solr.sh script, which takes a single argument, the name of the instance to start. Available instances include solr-qa, solr-clustering and solr-tagging.