
Lightweight Open API React Application that supports multiple Open API Specs

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Multi Open API

This repository consists of the source code for the Multi Open API. It is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, install the dependencies and run the development server(s):

# To install dependencies
npm install

# To start the NextJS development server with hot reload
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying src/pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

The src/pages/api directory is mapped to /api/*. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.

Environment Setup

  1. Node.js - v14.16.0
  2. NPM - v7.7.6. Install with NodeJs
  3. git

IDE Setup

Usage of Visual Studio Code as an IDE is highly recommended. Please ensure that the following VS Code extensions are installed:

  1. ESLint - For linting
  2. Prettier - For formatting
  3. Jest - Unit Testing
  4. npm - Validating NPM package.json

Directory Structure

|-- .next
|-- coverage
|-- node_modules
|-- public
|-- src
    |-- components
    |-- hooks
    |-- layouts
    |-- page-components
    |-- pages
    |-- styles
|-- .babelrc
|-- .eslintrc
|-- .gitignore
|-- .prettierrc
|-- jest.config.js
|-- next-env.d.ts
|-- next.config.js
|-- package-lock.json
|-- README.md
|-- tsconfig.json
  1. .next: This directory contains all the build files from npm run build. This is .gitignore-ed and will be generated before building the docker image.
  2. coverage: This directory contains the files generated when jest's coverage flag is enabled (it uses clover under the hood). This is not checked in.
  3. node_modules: What more can we say? This is also not checked in.
  4. public: This directory contains the static assets used for the frontend app, e.g. fonts, images, favicon.ico. Note that if you are trying to upload a huge static asset like a video, use an external data store like S3. We don't want to bloat up the git repo.
  5. src/components: All React components go in here. They are the building blocks of all pages and layouts.
  6. src/hooks: Directory that contains all shared hooks. Currently not used yet. Read more about React hooks here
  7. src/layouts: Directory that contains all layouts (made up of components) for the whole frontend app.
  8. src/page-components: Directory that contains all the various pages of the frontend app. This is used to make it flexible for developers to add page-specific functions/tests beside the page code itself without conflicting with NextJS.
  9. src/styles: All global stylesheets and antd less variable overrides come in here.
  10. .babelrc: Babel config
  11. .eslintrc: ESLint config. Please have ESLint installed in your IDE.
  12. gitignore: Self explanatory
  13. prettierrc: Prettier config. Please have Prettier installed in your IDE.
  14. jest.config.js: Jest config.
  15. next-env.d.ts: Environment file for NextJS application
  16. next.config.js: NextJS Config file. More info here
  17. package-lock.json: Lockfile used by npm to prevent library installation conflicts. This needs to be checked in to git.
  18. package.json: NPM package library definition.
  19. README.md: This.
  20. tsconfig.json: Typescript config file for this project.

Design System

The design system used is Ant Design.


Coming soon...

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!