
Install source tree from

Clone code from remote with this url:

model module: The data model.

dao module: The module is to retrieve, add, update, delete data from source. There is no business logic in this module.

service module: The business logic and program features are achieved in this module.

utility module: The utility functions

Main -> login -> Stu/Admin -> logout

Login LoginService (XYan 笑妍) Change password Logout Check/Print Courses Registered StudentService

Add Course -> validation vancancy,duplicated register(same index, same course diff index) StudentService (Jeremy) Drop Course

Change Index Number of Course StudentService (逸飞) Swop Index Number with Another Student

Edit student access period AdminService (XYE 蔡钰) Add a student (name, matric number, gender, nationality, etc)
Add/Update a course (course code, school, its index numbers and vacancy) -> validate duplicated courseCode index.

Check Vacancies Available Check available slot for an index number (vacancy in a class). AdminService (智勇) Print student list by index number. Print student list by course (all students registered for the selected course).