
To develop an online appointment making system for vet clinics which consists of end user mobile applications and an admin portal for clinics. This is the repository for backend providing APIs

Code structure

  • controller - provide apis
  • dao - provide functions to interact with db (CRUD)
  • pojo - entity classes
  • service - function logic

  • scripts - sql scripts for table creation and data intialization
  • - project config
  • pom.xml - maven package config

Tech Stack


  • Java


  • SpringBoot

Database access

Jpa (Java Persistence API)



  • Please go follow link to download Intellij IDEA 2020.3
    • This version of IntelliJ has already contain Tomcat, Spring, Maven plugins
  • Please download Java JDK 15 and install it

How to start a Java SpringBoot project in IntelliJ?

Please follow this tutorial

How to setup mysql?

How to use JPA?

Add email lib

On intellij go to File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> Dependencies Press the "+" button below select import JAR and select the jar file under externallib

Use your own gmail account to send email

  1. Go to foler src/main/resources/ file and modify spring.mail.username and spring.mail.password

    • For username please exclude the
  2. Unblock unsecure app to send email through gmail Follow this link to unblock:

Instruction of Docker deployment

  1. open the comment for docker in
  2. run mvn package
  3. run following command to create mysql container '''docker run --name mysqldb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -e MYSQL_DATABASE=mydb -e MYSQL_USER=sa -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=password -d mysql:8'''
  4. login db and create tables
  5. run following command to build application image '''docker build -t springbootapp .'''
  6. run foolowing command to run application container and link to the db container '''docker run -d -p 8089:8089 --name springbootapp --link mysqldb:mysql springbootapp'''


Instruction of Azure VM access

  1. ssh to vm '''ssh vmadmin@''' password:Ask Yifei
  2. access db inside docker container '''sudo docker exec -it 2d4409a34db2 /bin/sh'''
  3. run application container and link to db'''sudo docker container run -d -p 80:8089 --name springbootapp5 --link 2d4409a34db2 a11a8dc0f83b'''
  4. view all docker container ''''sudo docker container ls -a'''
  5. start container '''sudo docker container start 2d4409a34db2'''

Team Members

  • Weng Yifei (U1920094F)
  • Liang Xuchao (U1920092B)
  • Ma Xin (U1920122B)
  • Lin Yan (U1920925F)
  • Zhan Yijia (U1920682H)
  • Xu Zhiyong (U1920735K)