
Publish JAR file

1. File -> Project Structure -> Project Settings -> Artifacts -> Click green plus sign -> Jar -> From modules with dependencies
2. Select Main Class
3. Select extract to the target JAR
4. replace "java" with "resources": ...CZ3002-Chatbot-Backend/demo/src/main/java -> ...CZ3002-Chatbot-Backend/demo/src/main/resources
5. Build -> Build Artifacts
6. Change output dirctory to demo folder

Add JAR file in demo pom.xml

1. <dependency>

Open Swagger to view all available apis by entering http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html

How to use bot Jar file

1. import chatbot.Bot
2. Bot bot = new Bot("0", /dir/to/data.xml,/dir/to/faq.xml,/dir/to/rating.xml);

Get Faq

1. Prepare faq.xml file
Check template under demo/chatbotData/faq.xml
Format as below:

<Question id="1">

2. Execute getFAQ(int topRows) in Bot Class
    It will return array of top 10 questiones. Change the id key value to determine sequence of top questiones

Rate an answer

1. rating.xml file template can be found under demo/chatbotData/rating.xml
2. Execute rateAnswer(String ans, String rate) in Bot Class
It will save the record in rating.xml