Tips and tricks for using Epub.js
Works with Epub.js v0.3.
Note: all the snippets here assuems ePub
, book = ePub()
, and rendition = book.renderTo()
in scope. We also make use of a debounce function, an implementation of which is:
const debounce = (f, wait, immediate) => {
let timeout
return (...args) => {
const later = () => {
timeout = null
if (!immediate) f(...args)
const callNow = immediate && !timeout
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait)
if (callNow) f(...args)
Handling horizontal scrolling means that you can use horizontal touchpad swipes to turn the pages.
const rtl = book.package.metadata.direction === 'rtl'
const goLeft = rtl ? () => : () => rendition.prev()
const goRight = rtl ? () => rendition.prev() : () =>
const onwheel = debounce(event => {
const { deltaX, deltaY } = event
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY)) {
if (deltaX > 0) goRight()
else if (deltaX < 0) goLeft()
} else {
if (deltaY > 0)
else if (deltaY < 0) rendition.prev()
}, 100, true)
document.documentElement.onwheel = onwheel
const getSelections = () => rendition.getContents()
.map(contents => contents.window.getSelection())
const clearSelection = () => getSelections().forEach(s => s.removeAllRanges())
const selectByCfi = cfi => getSelections().forEach(s => s.addRange(rendition.getRange(cfi)))
const getRect = (target, frame) => {
const rect = target.getBoundingClientRect()
const viewElementRect =
frame ? frame.getBoundingClientRect() : { left: 0, top: 0 }
const left = rect.left + viewElementRect.left
const right = rect.right + viewElementRect.left
const top = +
const bottom = rect.bottom +
return { left, right, top, bottom }
rendition.hooks.content.register((contents, /*view*/) => {
const frame = contents.document.defaultView.frameElement
contents.document.onclick = e => {
const selection = contents.window.getSelection()
const range = selection.getRangeAt(0)
const { left, right, top, bottom } = getRect(range, frame)
// Note: besides a range object, the same method can also be used to get the position of any element
Go to the next page when selecting to the end of a page, this makes it possible for the user to select across multiple pages:
rendition.on('selected', debounce(cfiRange => {
const selCfi = new ePub.CFI(cfiRange)
const compare =, rendition.location.end.cfi) >= 0
if (compare)
}, 1000))
const getCfiFromHref = async href => {
const id = href.split('#')[1]
const item = book.spine.get(href)
await item.load(book.load.bind(book))
const el = id ? item.document.getElementById(id) : item.document.body
return item.cfiFromElement(el)
// adapted from
const makeRangeCfi = (a, b) => {
const start = CFI.parse(a), end = CFI.parse(b)
const cfi = {
range: true,
base: start.base,
path: {
steps: [],
terminal: null
start: start.path,
end: end.path
const len = cfi.start.steps.length
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (CFI.equalStep(cfi.start.steps[i], cfi.end.steps[i])) {
if (i == len - 1) {
// Last step is equal, check terminals
if (cfi.start.terminal === cfi.end.terminal) {
// CFI's are equal
// Not a range
cfi.range = false
} else cfi.path.steps.push(cfi.start.steps[i])
} else break
cfi.start.steps = cfi.start.steps.slice(cfi.path.steps.length)
cfi.end.steps = cfi.end.steps.slice(cfi.path.steps.length)
return 'epubcfi(' + CFI.segmentString(cfi.base)
+ '!' + CFI.segmentString(cfi.path)
+ ',' + CFI.segmentString(cfi.start)
+ ',' + CFI.segmentString(cfi.end)
+ ')'
Annotations are often rendered wrong when, for example, the rendition is resized, or after applying a theme. The solution is to re-render them whenever any of that happens.
const redrawAnnotations = () =>
rendition.views().forEach(view => view.pane ? view.pane.render() : null)
rendition.on('rendered', redrawAnnotations)
/* when applying themes */
function applyTheme(themeName, stylesheet) {
rendition.themes.register(themeName, stylesheet)
To fix location drift when resizing multiple times in a row, we keep a location
that doesn't change when rendition has just been resized. Then, when the resize is done, we correct the location with it. But this correction will itself trigger a relocated
event, so we create a further correcting
variable to track this.
let location
let justResized = false
let correcting = false
rendition.on('relocated', () => {
// console.log('relocated')
if (!justResized) {
if (!correcting) {
// console.log('real relocation')
location = rendition.currentLocation().start.cfi
} else {
// console.log('corrected')
correcting = false
} else {
// console.log('correcting')
justResized = false
correcting = true
rendition.on('resized', () => {
// console.log('resized')
justResized = true