Automatic shortest-path multi-step Core Data migrations in Swift.
A set of Swift extensions to Core Data's NSPersistentContainer
that automatically detect and perform
multi-step store migration using the shortest valid sequence of migrations.
The library supports both light-weight and heavy-weight migrations, multiple
stores, progress reporting, and configurable logging.
Minimally replace the call to NSPersistentContainer.init
container = PersistentCloudKitContainer(name: "MyStore",
managedObjectModel: model)
Additional parameters optionally enable more features:
container = PersistentContainer(name: "MyStore",
managedObjectModel: model,
bundles: [Bundle.main, myResBundle],
modelVersionOrder: .list("V_One", "V_Two", "V_Six"),
logMessageHandler: myLogHandler)
container.migrationDelegate = self
All migrations happen as part of NSPersistentContainer.loadPersistentStores
- User guide and API documentation online.
- Or in the docs/ folder of a local copy of the project.
- Docset for Dash etc. at docs/docsets/TMLPersistentContainer.tgz
- Read
for an end-to-end example.
Swift 6 or later, Xcode 16 or later.
- See the swift31 branch for a Swift 31 version.
- See the swift4 branch for a Swift 4 version.
- See the swift41 branch for a Swift 4.1 version.
The library is based on NSPersistentContainer
. The minimum deployment targets
are iOS 12.0, macOS 10.14.6, tvOS 12.0, and watchOS 3.0.
The PersistentCloudKitContainer
class is based on
so further requires a minimum deployment target
of iOS 13.0, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13.0, or watchOS 6.0.`
No additional software dependencies.
pod 'TMLPersistentContainer'
Swift package manager:
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 6)
github "johnfairh/TMLPersistentContainer"
Contributions and feedback welcome: open an issue / /
Distributed under the ISC license.