
Shortest-path multi-step Core Data migrations in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftISC LicenseISC


CI codecov Pod Carthage compatible Platforms License

Automatic shortest-path multi-step Core Data migrations in Swift.


A set of Swift extensions to Core Data's NSPersistentContainer and NSPersistentCloudKitContainer that automatically detect and perform multi-step store migration using the shortest valid sequence of migrations. The library supports both light-weight and heavy-weight migrations, multiple stores, progress reporting, and configurable logging.


Minimally replace the call to NSPersistentContainer.init or NSPersistentCloudKitContainer:

container = PersistentCloudKitContainer(name: "MyStore",
                                        managedObjectModel: model)

Additional parameters optionally enable more features:

container = PersistentContainer(name: "MyStore",
                                managedObjectModel: model,
                                bundles: [Bundle.main, myResBundle],
                                modelVersionOrder: .list("V_One", "V_Two", "V_Six"),
                                logMessageHandler: myLogHandler)
container.migrationDelegate = self

All migrations happen as part of NSPersistentContainer.loadPersistentStores.



Swift 6 or later, Xcode 16 or later.

  • See the swift31 branch for a Swift 31 version.
  • See the swift4 branch for a Swift 4 version.
  • See the swift41 branch for a Swift 4.1 version.

The library is based on NSPersistentContainer. The minimum deployment targets are iOS 12.0, macOS 10.14.6, tvOS 12.0, and watchOS 3.0.

The PersistentCloudKitContainer class is based on NSPersistentCloudKitContainer so further requires a minimum deployment target of iOS 13.0, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13.0, or watchOS 6.0.`

No additional software dependencies.



pod 'TMLPersistentContainer'

Swift package manager:

.Package(url: "https://github.com/johnfairh/TMLPersistentContainer/", majorVersion: 6)


github "johnfairh/TMLPersistentContainer"


Contributions and feedback welcome: open an issue / johnfairh@gmail.com / @johnfairh@mastodon.social


Distributed under the ISC license.