
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Math 527 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra

Instructor: John Gibson, office hours TR 11-12, W 2-3, Kingsbury N309E
Lecture: MWF 1:10-2:00pm Spaulding 120
Teaching Assistants

  • Eric Kehoe, sections 1-3, office hours TR 10-11, W 3-4, Kingsbury W350
  • Kyle Teller, sections 4-6, office T 8:30-9:30, 2-3, R 2-3, Kingsbury N316
  • Olga Letterman, sections 7-9, office hours MWF 12-1 Kingsbury N204



Course outline and schedule

date topic reading homework solutions
W 1/24 separable eqns 2.2 HW0 ungraded
F 1/26 1st order linear
M 1/29 partial derivatives 2.3
W 1/31 exact equations HW1 due Thu 2/01 HW1 solns
F 2/02 2.4
M 2/05 substitutions 2.5
W 2/07 --snow day-- HW2 due Thu 2/08 HW2 solns
F 2/09 solution intervals 1.1-2
M 2/12 EXAM #1 expectations, locations sample exam sample exam solns
W 2/14 y = e^(lambda t) is your friend 4.1
F 2/16 repeated roots, reduction of order 4.2
M 2/19 complex roots, Euler formula 4.3
W 2/21 linearity 4.1 HW3 due Thu 2/22 HW3 solns
F 2/23 judicious guessing 4.4
M 2/26
W 2/28 variation of parameters 4.5 HW4 due Thu 2/29 HW4 solns
F 3/02
M 3/05 HW5 ungraded HW5 solns
W 3/07 EXAM #2 expectations, locations
F 3/09 no lecture
M 3/19 definitions, examples 7.1
W 3/21 derivatives, solving ODEs 7.2
F 3/23 s-translation 7.3.1
M 3/26 t-translation (Heaviside) 7.3.2 HW6 due Tue 3/27 HW6 solns
W 3/28
F 3/30 Dirac delta 7.5
M 4/02 convolution         HW7 due Tue 4/03 HW7 solns
W 4/04 vectors and matrices
F 4/05 systems of equations
M 4/09 HW8 ungraded HW8 solns, corrections
W 4/11 EXAM #3 expectations, locations
F 4/13 ODEs in matrix form 8.1
M 4/16 real eigenvalues, distinct 8.2.1
W 4/18 complex eigenvalues 8.2.3
F 4/20 real eigenvalues, repeated 8.2.2
M 4/23 phase portraits
W 4/25 HW9 HW9 solns
F 4/27
M 4/30 Lorenz attractor, equilibria
W 5/02 Lorenz bifurcations HW10 ungraded HW10 solns
F 5/04
M 5/07 Linearization of nonlinear pendulum
W 5/16 FINAL EXAM expectations, locations sample problems


  • Lecture topics may shift slightly by date, but homeworks and exam dates will not change.
  • Exams will take place during lecture time (1:10-2:00pm) in the lecture hall plus another room to be determined.
  • Readings are sections in Zill First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications, 10th ed. If you use another text, find the relevant reading using the table of contents or index.
  • Homeworks are due in recitation on the dates listed below.
  • Lectures without a specified topic are buffers for the inevitable lag.