
Should CAES search also pull in results from Student's & Extension Publications?

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Currently if you search for student-related things on the CAES home page, it doesn't pull in any results from the different sites.

I don't know if this is even possible, because I know they are separate entities in Google custom search... but it would definitely be nice if it was possible.

bwhet commented

Definitely possible. And we should do it for students, at least. I'd solicit Cindy and David's opinion on anything that should also be included. I'd vote no on Extension pubs. But there might be other things. I can show you how to add web properties via the Google CSE admin site.

bwhet commented

So to be clear - can you get David/Cindy's opinion and get back to me? Then we can work together to make the changes.

@bwhet Totally! This actually came up while David was in my office. We both feel that the different sites should be tied together in search somehow. We are just not exactly sure how in this moment. I'll send an email to both of them now and get back to you.

Ok, so I just heard back from David and Cindy. They both think that by default, the CAES search should include both Students and Extension results, and then have the option to exclude them.

But I also want to get your thoughts on that as a plan. I think whatever we do, we should do some pretty significant testing. For some examples, like searching for study abroad information, also including results from the student's site would be incredibly helpful... but I can also envision scenarios where someone from Plant Pathology just wants to find something in their department, and then end up being overwhelmed by Extension publication search results. I'm not sure, but I am sure that if that is what we do, we'll need to do some testing.

bwhet commented

Sure thing. I was going to shoot for next Thursday (1/12) to give us time to focus on the Intranet/Apps migration first, but the conference room is unavailable. Would you be open to me getting the projector and setting up in my/Gabe's office?

bwhet commented