
Get info from .net sdk based msbuild projects ( https://github.com/dotnet/sdk ) or old sdk based projects (verbose fsproj)

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT

Build status Build Status


  • as .NET Core Tool: NuGet
  • as library: Dotnet.ProjInfo NuGet


  • get properties
  • get fsc/csc command line arguments
  • get project to project references
  • list installed .NET Framework versions
  • get references path of .NET asseblies like System, System.Data

Support both project sdk:

  • dotnet/sdk style projects (slim proj, usually .net core)
  • old sdk projects (verbose proj, usually .NET)

Works on mono and windows .NET, and allow to specify the dotnet (.NET Core) or msbuild (.NET) to use

as .NET Tool

Install with:

dotnet tool install -g dotnet-proj


dotnet proj --help


USAGE: dotnet-proj [--help] [--verbose] [<subcommand> [<options>]]


    prop <options>        get properties
    fsc-args <options>    get fsc arguments
    csc-args <options>    get csc arguments
    p2p <options>         get project references
    net-fw <options>      list the installed .NET Frameworks
    net-fw-ref <options>  get the reference path of given .NET Framework assembly

    Use 'dotnet-proj <subcommand> --help' for additional information.


    --verbose, -v         verbose log
    --help                display this list of options.

Subcommands support usual arguments of .NET cli (dotnet) where make sense, like:

  • the project to use
  • -c or --configuration
  • -f or --framework
  • -r or --runtime

See examples directory for a quick tutorial

as Library

Used by:


Clone repo.


dotnet build

To run tests:

dotnet test -v n

To create packages:

dotnet pack

will create packages in bin\nupkgs

pass /p:Version=1.2.3 to create a package with version 1.2.3


  • as dotnet cli tool: dotnet proj-info NuGet. Use dotnet proj as .NET Core Tool instead, can be installed locally with dotnet tool install --tool-path instead of -g