A vim plugin providing a single text object (on iv
and av
) for
variable segments. A variable segment is defined to be a substring in
any identifier character followed by an underscore ("snake case") or
a lowercase identifier character followed by an uppercase character
("camel case").
foo_ba|r_baz -> civquux -> foo_quux_baz
eggsAn|dCheese -> civOr -> eggsOrCheese
_privat|e_thing -> civone -> _one_thing
foo_ba|r_baz -> dav -> foo_baz
QU|UX_SPAM -> dav -> SPAM
eggsAn|dCheese -> dav -> eggsCheese
_privat|e_thing -> dav -> _thing
It will also preserve case for small camels when initial segments are deleted
(with av
_g|etJiggyYo -> dav -> _jiggyYo
Requires vim-textobj-user.