
Metamorph is an open source library for performing high-level sound transformations based on a sinusoids plus noise plus transients model.

Primary LanguageC++


Metamorph is a new open source library for performing high-level sound transformations based on a sinusoids plus noise plus transients model. It is written in C++, can be built as both a Python extension module and a Csound opcode, and currently runs on Mac OS X and Linux.

It is designed to work primarily on monophonic, quasi-harmonic sound sources and can be used in a non-real-time context to process pre-recorded sound files or can operate in a real-time (streaming) mode.

Metamorph is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

C++ Library Dependencies

Additional Python Module Dependencies

  • Python (>= 2.6.*)
  • Cython
  • NumPy
  • SciPy

Additional Csound Opcode Dependencies


Note: Currently Metamorph must be built from the source code, but I hope to provide prebuilt binaries (in particular for the Csound opcodes) soon.

To build and install the C++ module, from the metamorph root folder run:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

To build and install the Python module, from the metamorph root folder run:

$ python setup.py build
$ python setup.py install

To build the Csound opcodes, from the metamorph root folder run:

$ cd csound
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

Using The Python Module

See the scripts in the examples folder.

Using the Csound Opcodes

See csound/example.csd and csound/example_rt.csd.

To run the Csound examples, Csound must be able to find the Metamorph opcodes. You can either copy them to your $OPCODEDIR, or point Csound to them directly at run time, eg:

$ cd csound
$ csound --opcode-lib=build/libmmop.dylib example.csd