Peri-Op Medicine Prescribing Guidance This project began at #gashack at the Royal College of Anaesthetists in October 2017. It is essentially a free tool that allows anyone to search for a drug by name and get the relevant instructions for administration in the peri-operative period. There is a live demo here : We require further input to refine the more complex drug instructions e.g. insulin and anti-thrombotics. We also need to include stuff like timing of limb and neuraxial blocks in relation to anti-thrombotics. I have excluded the back-end management system and the libraries for sending mail (PHPMailer) and creating PDFs (FPDF). These are freely available. Also, for security reasons, dbconnect.php is not included but I have included a sample_dbconnect.php that you can modify to connect to your DB that you can create using the SQL file.