
Awesome weakly-supervised image semantic segmentation; Awesome weakly-supervised image instance segmentation; Awesome weakly-supervised image panoptic segmentation

Awesome Weakly-supervised Image Segmentation

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1. Semantic Segmentation

1.1. Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation performance on PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset

  • For each method, I will provide the name of baseline in brackets if it has.
  • Sup.: I-image-level class label, B-bounding box label, S-scribble label, P-point label.
  • Bac. C: Method for generating pseudo label, or backbone of the classification network.
  • Arc. S: backbone and method of the segmentation network.
  • Pre.s : The dataset used to pre-train the segmentation network, "I" denotes ImageNet, "C" denotes COCO. Note that many works use COCO pre-trained DeepLab model but not mentioned in the paper.
  • For methods that use multiple backbones, I only reports the results of ResNet101.
  • "-" indicates no fully-supervised model is utilized, "?" indicates the corresponding item is not mentioned in the paper.
Method Pub. Bac. C Arc. S Sup. Extra data Pre.S val test
BBAM CVPR2021 ? ResNet101 DeepLabv2 B MCG I 73.7 73.7
Oh et al. CVPR2021 ResNet101 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 B - I+C 74.6 76.1
WSSL ICCV2015 - VGG16 DeepLabv1 B - I 60.6 62.2
Song et al. CVPR2019 - ResNet101 DeepLabv1 B - I 70.2 -
SPML (Song et al.) ICLR2021 - ResNet101 DeepLabv2 B - I 73.5 74.7
NormalCut CVPR2018 - ResNet101 DeepLabv1 S Saliancy ? 74.5 -
KernelCut ECCV2018 - ResNet101 DeepLabv1 S - ? 75.0 -
BPG IJCAI2019 - ResNet101 DeepLabv2 S - ? 76.0 -
SPML (KernelCut) ICLR2021 - ResNet101 DeepLabv2 S - I 76.1 -
WhatsPoint ECCV2016 - VGG16 FCN P Objectness I 46.1 -
PCAM arxiv2020 ResNet50 ? DeepLabv3+ P - ? 70.5 -
SEC ECCV2016 VGG16 VGG16 DeepLabv1 I Saliancy I 50.7 51.7
DSRG (SEC) CVPR2018 VGG16 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I Saliancy I 61.4 63.2
Fan et al. ECCV2018 ResNet101 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I Saliancy ? 63.6 64.5
Ficklenet (DSRG) CVPR2019 VGG16 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I Saliancy I 64.9 65.3
Fan et al. ECCV2018 ResNet101 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I Saliancy
? 64.5 65.6
OAA ICCV2019 VGG16 ResNet101 DeepLabv1 I Saliancy I 65.2 66.4
Fan et al. ECCV2020 ResNet38 ResNet101 DeepLabv1 I Saliancy ? 67.2 66.7
MCIS ECCV2020 VGG16 ResNet101 DeepLabv1 I Saliancy ? 66.2 66.9
Lee et al. ICCV2019 VGG16 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I Saliancy Web I 66.5 67.4
LIID PAMI2020 ResNet50 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I Saliancy ? 66.5 67.5
MCIS ECCV2020 VGG16 ResNet101 DeepLabv1 I Saliancy Web ? 67.7 67.5
ICD CVPR2020 VGG16 ResNet101 DeepLabv1 I Saliancy ? 67.8 68.0
LIID PAMI2020 ResNet50 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I Saliancy
? 67.8 68.3
Li et al. AAAI2021 ResNet101 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I Saliancy ? 68.2 68.5
Yao et al. CVPR2021 VGG16 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I Saliancy I 68.3 68.5
Yao et al. CVPR2021 VGG16 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I Saliancy I+C 70.4 70.2
DRS AAAI2021 VGG16 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I Saliancy ? 71.2 71.4
SPML (Ficklenet) ICLR2021 VGG16 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I Saliancy I 69.5 71.6
ICD CVPR2020 VGG16 ResNet101 DeepLabv1 I - ? 64.1 64.3
IRN CVPR2019 ResNet50 ResNet50 DeepLabv2 I - I 63.5 64.8
IAL IJCV20 ResNet? ResNet? I - I 64.3 65.4
SSDD (PSA) ICCV2019 ResNet38 ResNet38 I - I 64.9 65.5
SEAM CVPR2020 ResNet38 ResNet38 DeepLabv2 I - I 64.5 65.7
Chang et al. CVPR2020 ResNet38 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I - ? 66.1 65.9
RRM AAAI2020 ResNet38 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I - ? 66.3 66.5
BES ECCV2020 ResNet50 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I - ? 65.7 66.6
CONTA (+SEAM) NeurIPS2020 ResNet38 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I - ? 66.1 66.7
AdvCAM CVPR2021 ResNet-50 ResNet101 DeepLabv2 I - I 68.1 68.0

1.2. Semantic Segmentation supervised by image tags (I)


  • SEC: "Seed, expand and constrain: Three principles for weakly-supervised image segmentation" ECCV2016


  • DSRG: "Weakly-supervised semantic segmentation network with deep seeded region growing" CVPR2018
  • Fan et al.: "Associating inter-image salient instances for weakly supervised semantic segmentation" ECCV2018


  • IRN: "Weakly Supervised Learning of Instance Segmentation with Inter-pixel Relations" CVPR2019

  • Ficklenet: " Ficklenet: Weakly and semi-supervised semantic image segmentation using stochastic inference" CVPR2019

  • Lee et al.: "Frame-to-Frame Aggregation of Active Regions in Web Videos for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation" ICCV2019

  • OAA: "Integral Object Mining via Online Attention Accumulation" ICCV2019

  • SSDD: "Self-supervised difference detection for weakly-supervised semantic segmentation" ICCV2019

  • Method: "" 2019


  • RRM: "Reliability Does Matter An End-to-End Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Approach" AAAI2020
  • IAL: "Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation by Iterative Affinity Learning" IJCV2020
  • SEAM: "Self-supervised Equivariant Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation" CVPR2020
  • Chang et al.: "Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Sub-category Exploration" CVPR2020
  • ICD: "Learning Integral Objects with Intra-Class Discriminator for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation" CVPR2020
  • Fan et al.: "Employing multi-estimations for weakly-supervised semantic segmentation" ECCV2020
  • MCIS: "Mining Cross-Image Semantics for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation" 2020
  • BES: "Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Exploration" ECCV2020
  • CONTA: "Causal intervention for weakly-supervised semantic segmentation" NeurIPS2020


  • SPML: "Universal Weakly Supervised Segmentation by Pixel-to-Segment Contrastive Learning" ICLR2021
  • Li et al.: "Group-Wise Semantic Mining for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation" AAAI2021
  • DRS: "Discriminative Region Suppression for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation" AAAI2021
  • AdvCAM: " Anti-Adversarially Manipulated Attributions for Weakly and Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation" CVPR2021
  • **Yao et al. **: "Non-Salient Region Object Mining for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation" CVPR2021
  • Method: "" 2021

1.3. Semantic Segmentation supervised by bounding box (B)


  • WSSL: "Weakly-and semi-supervised learning of a deep convolutional network for semantic image segmentation" ICCV2015


  • Song et al.: "Box-driven class-wise region masking and filling rate guided loss for weakly supervised semantic segmentation" CVPR2019


  • BBAM: "BBAM: Bounding Box Attribution Map for Weakly Supervised Semantic and Instance Segmentation" CVPR2021
  • Oh et al.: "Ba ckground-Aware Pooling and Noise-Aware Loss for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation" CVPR2021
  • SPML: "Universal Weakly Supervised Segmentation by Pixel-to-Segment Contrastive Learning" ICLR2021

1.4. Semantic Segmentation supervised by scribble (S)


  • NormalCut : "Normalized cut loss for weakly-supervised cnn segmentation" CVPR2018
  • KernelCut : "On regularized losses for weakly-supervised cnn segmentation" ECCV2018


  • BPG: "Boundary Perception Guidance: A Scribble-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Approach" IJCAI2019


  • Method: "" 2020


  • SPML: "Universal Weakly Supervised Segmentation by Pixel-to-Segment Contrastive Learning" ICLR2021

1.5. Semantic Segmentation supervised by point (P)

  • WhatsPoint: "What’s the Point: Semantic Segmentation with Point Supervision" ECCV2016
  • PCAM: "PCAMs: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Using Point Supervision" arxiv2020

2. Instance Segmentation


3. Panoptic segmentation


4. Dataset