
Leeroy is a Quick Jenkins status checker written in Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

#Leeroy Gem Version

Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy Jenkins!

Leeroy lets you quickly check the status of your builds from the commandline. Leeroy is called Leeroy because of this excellent meme: http://youtu.be/LkCNJRfSZBU


leeroy --username john@doe.com --password p455w0rd --endpoint http://jenkins.dev:8080


| Argument             | Description              |
|  --username, -u <s>: | Your Jenkins username    |
|  --password, -p <s>: | Your Jenkins password    |
|  --endpoint, -e <s>: | The root URL of jenkins  |
|       --version, -v: | Print version and exit   |
|          --help, -h: | Show this message        |