
Emacs Javascript Indentation

Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Emacs JavaScript Align


Manage the indentation of JavaScript code in Emacs in a flexible and easy to reason about way.


Add js-align.el to your load-path, and then add the following code to your Emacs configuration to replace the indentation function of js.el with that if js-align.el

(require 'js-align)
(add-hook 'js-mode 'js-align-mode)

The mode can be toggled by calling js-align-mode interactively.

The Code

I have written js-align in Org mode to make commenting and explaining the code much easier. Have a look at the org file here.


During my short time learning Emacs, every little configuration tweek I have wanted to make was easily found with an internet search. The world of Emacs is vast, typically someone else has already solved any problem one is likely to encounter. Luckly, many people have taken the time to write about their experience and share a solution. This is my first attempt at such an effort.

I have coded JavaScript in Emacs for a few years and have come to rely on the editor’s assistance in many ways. It has handled indentation as I would expect with little or no effort on my part other than to hit <TAB>. Though over the last few months I have begun to play with functional reactive programming. Many libraries heavily utilize the new ES6 arrow function and its explicit reaturn value. Attempting to indent an arrow function as done with an anonymous function currently produces odd results.

let result = source.map(item =>

I expect this

let result = source.map(item =>

The best solution I could find is what I consider a semi solution. Use curly braces around the body and include a return keyword.

let result = source.map(item => {
  return item.map(square)

This works, though at a loss of elegance. Which becomes even more painful to bear when the returned expression has a heirarchical structure, as in the following example which uses a virtual-dom library:

let view = source.map(item => {
  return div([
    button({on: {click: action}}, 'Toggle'),

After diving into js.el, I discovered multi line arrow functions are indented as they are because they are not considered by js--proper-indentation, the function that handles JavaScript indentation. After several attempts to use add-advice to add the necessary functionality without rewriting the original code, I realized there where so many interconnected conditions the advice had to be almost as long and the original code. So I have choosen to do a complete rewrite and replace the original function js-indent-line with js-align-indent-line through the use of a minor mode.