- 0x1ee7@EmbarkStudios
- akluthThe Associated Engineers Group Germany
- apcroTypeform
- augmityVancouver, CA
- cerkit
- codeprogram79lapapp
- eahumadaAzul Systems
- edsonyfCampinas - Brazil
- ericparejaUniversity of the Philippines Manila
- ern2150
- giacomelliBrazil
- golmedonValparaiso, Chile
- iCityWorkiCityWork
- iethem@Helpling
- JakeCallery
- jkwong80
- Joe-GigsPhiladelphia, PA
- jsjgithub
- kenjenningsFlorida
- lvcabralTucson, AZ USA
- maalhagh
- maciejmaleckiCapgemini
- MattAFRLMelbourne, Victoria
- mikedillion@extracard
- murdens
- neocxi
- renatoigleziazIndie Developer
- sarnauHamburg, Germany
- sehugg
- SestrenExsis
- stef-pellegrinoX-Media
- TheStormkeeper@StormhavenNexus
- thoolihanCentric Consulting
- tonysgi
- underglow