
A simple java app that shows how abstract classes and interfaces work

Primary LanguageJava


All Contributors


This package contains an abstract class Animal and its concrete implementations Dog and Cat. An abstract class would be the correct way to go in this scenario, since many elements are common and reuseable.


This package contains an interface Animal and two classes Dog and Cat which implement it. In this example the interface forces the developer to provide separate implementations for the same functionality. (intrface is not a typo, java won't allow package names to use java keywords)


This package shows how to use interfaces effectively. It has three unrelated classes like Person, Dog and Monkey which are grouped together using the interface Singable. The Singable interface specifies that anyone who implements it will know how to sing(). SingingDancingMonkey shows how to implement multiple interfaces.

Test commit

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Kenny John Jacob


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!