Official code of XB-MAML implemented in pytorch

Primary LanguagePython

XB-MAML: Learning Expandable Basis Parameters for Effective Meta-Learning with Wide Task Coverage

XB-MAML: Learning Expandable Basis Parameters for Effective Meta-Learning with Wide Task Coverage [Paper]

Jae-Jun Lee, Sung Whan Yoon


Overview of XB-MAML

alt text


  1. Clone its repository

    git clone https://github.com/johnjaejunlee95/XB-MAML.git
  2. Install torchmeta

    conda create env -y -n xbmaml python=3.9
    conda activate xbmaml
    pip install torchmeta


Download all datasets via this link.

Alternatively, if you prefer to download them individually, please use the following links:

  1. CIFAR-FS: link
  2. mini-ImageNet: link
  3. tiered-ImageNet: link
  4. Omniglot: link
  5. Aircraft, Birds, Fungi, Texture (ABF, BTAF): link



Single Datasets (mini, tiered, CIFAR-FS)

python train_meta.py \
--multi \
--temp_scaling 5 \
--batch_size 2 \
--update_step 3 \
--update_step_test 7 \
--update_lr 0.03 \
--regularizer 5e-4 \
--datasets miniimagenet \
--epoch 60000 \
--max_test_task 1000 \
--gpu_id 0

Multiple Datasets (ABF, BTAF, CIO)

python train_meta.py \
--multi \
--temp_scaling 8 \
--batch_size 2 \
--update_step 3 \
--update_step_test 7 \
--update_lr 0.05 \
--regularizer 1e-3 \
--datasets_path /your/own/path \
--datasets MetaABF \
--epoch 80000 \
--max_test_task 600 \
--gpu_id 0


python test_meta.py --datasets_path /your/own/path --checkpoint_path ./save/ckpt/ --datasets MetaABF --num_test 1

Arguments (Details at args.py)

option arguments:  
--epochs:             epoch number (default: 60000)  
--num_ways:           N-way (default: 5)  
--num_shots:          k shots for support set (default: 5)  
--num_shots_test:     number of query set (default: 15) 
--imgc:               RGB(image channel) (default: 3)  
--filter_size:        size of convolution filters (default: 64)  
--batch_size:         meta-batch size (default: 2)  
--max_test_task:      number of tasks for evaluation (default: 600)  
--meta_lr:            outer-loop learning rate (default: 1e-3)  
--update_lr:          inner-loop learning rate (default: 1e-2)  
--update_step:        number of inner-loop update steps while training (default: 5)  
--update_test_step:   number of inner-loop update steps while evaluating (default: 10) 
--dropout:            dropout probability (default: 0.)
--gpu_id:             gpu device number (default: 0)
--model:              model architecture: Conv-4, ResNet12 (default: conv4)
--datasets:           datasets: miniimagenet, tieredimagenet, cifar-fs, MetaABF, MetaBTAF, MetaCIO (default: MetaABF)
--multi:	      Apply XB-MAML (store true)
--datasets_path:      Datasets directory path
--checkpoint_path:    checkpoint directory path (default:./save/ckpt/)
--version:            file version (default: 0)


  title = 	 { {XB-MAML}: Learning Expandable Basis Parameters for Effective Meta-Learning with Wide Task Coverage },
  author =       {Lee, Jae-Jun and Sung Whan, Yoon},
  booktitle = 	 {Proceedings of The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics},
  pages = 	 {3196--3204},
  year = 	 {2024},
  editor = 	 {Dasgupta, Sanjoy and Mandt, Stephan and Li, Yingzhen},
  volume = 	 {238},
  series = 	 {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
  month = 	 {02--04 May},
  publisher =    {PMLR},
  pdf = 	 {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v238/lee24b/lee24b.pdf},
  url = 	 {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v238/lee24b.html}