Goldfish is a HashiCorp Vault UI
Goldfish answers many auditing and administration questions that Vault API can't:
- Right now, are there any root tokens in Vault?
- Which policies, users, and tokens can access this particular secret path?
- The unseal admins are working from home, but we need a policy changed.
- How do we generate a root token only for this change, and make sure it's revoked after?
- I store my policies on a Github repo. Can I deploy all my policies in one go? See more
- Coming soon If I remove this secret/policy, will anybody's workflow break?
Seriously, the instructions fit on one screen!
- Hot-loadable server settings from a provided vault endpoint
- Displaying a vault endpoint as a 'bulletin board' in homepage
- Logging in with token, userpass, github, or LDAP
- Secret Reading/editing/creating/listing
- Auth Searching/creating/listing/deleting
- Mounts Listing
- Policies Searching/Listing
- Encrypting and decrypting arbitrary strings using transit backend
Major features: See wiki for more
- DONE! Searching tokens by policy walkthrough
- E.g. Display all tokens that have the policy 'admins'
- DONE! Searching policy by rule walkthrough
- E.g. Display all policies that can access 'secret/data*'
- DONE! Request & approval based policy changes walkthrough
- Users can place a policy change request in vault
- Admins must then provide unseal tokens for that specific request
- Upon reaching a set number, goldfish generates a root token, performs edit, and revokes the root token
- DONE! Terraform your vault walkthrough
- Fetch a folder of policies from a commit in github
- Admins can enter their unseal tokens for approval to set vault policies according to policies found
- Change dozens of policies in one go!
- Resource dependency chain
- E.g. Will removing a particular policy affect current users?
- Will removing a mount or secret path affect current users?
- Certificate management panel
- If vault is a certificate authority, there should be a user-friendly panel of details and statistics
- Moving root tokens away from the human eye
- More root operations like mount tuning should also be done via request & approval basis, like policy changes
- Secret backend specific tools (e.g. AWS backend)
You'll need go (v1.8), npm (>=3), and nodejs (>=7).
# hashicorp vault ui
# download goldfish first
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
# you'll need a vault instance. Force a root token for consistency
vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=goldfish &
export VAULT_ADDR=
export VAULT_TOKEN=goldfish
# this transit key is needed to encrypt/decrypt user credentials
vault mount transit
vault write -f transit/keys/goldfish
# see vagrant/policies/goldfish.hcl for the required policy.
# transit key is not changable, but the secret path containing run-time settings can be changed
vault policy-write goldfish vagrant/policies/goldfish.hcl
# goldfish launches strictly from approle, because passing a token that humans can see would be silly
vault auth-enable approle
vault write auth/approle/role/goldfish role_name=goldfish secret_id_ttl=5m token_ttl=480h \
token_max_ttl=720h secret_id_num_uses=1 policies=default,goldfish
vault write auth/approle/role/goldfish/role-id role_id=goldfish
# goldfish reads run-time config from a vault secret
vault write secret/goldfish DefaultSecretPath="secret/" TransitBackend="transit" \
UserTransitKey="usertransit" ServerTransitKey="goldfish" BulletinPath="secret/bulletins/"
# jq is a very useful tool for parsing json on the fly
sudo apt-get install jq
# build the backend server
go install
# run backend server with secret_id generated from approle
# -dev arg skips reading settings from vault and uses a default set
goldfish -dev -vault_token $(vault write -f -wrap-ttl=20m \
-format=json auth/approle/role/goldfish/secret-id \
| jq -r .wrap_info.token) -config_path=secret/goldfish
# run frontend in dev mode (with hot reload)
cd frontend
sudo npm install -g cross-env
npm install
npm run dev
# a browser window/tab should open, pointing directly to goldfish
# "-dev" disables many security standards. DO NOT USE -dev IN PRODUCTION!
While go and npm works decently on Windows, there is a one-line solution to spinning up a VM which will contain a dev vault instance and goldfish with hot-reload.
You'll need Vagrant and VirtualBox. On Windows, a restart after installation is needed.
# if you wish to launch goldfish in a VM:
git clone
cd goldfish/vagrant
# this will take awhile
vagrant up --provision
# open up localhost:8001 in chrome on your local machine. You can login with token 'goldfish'
Goldfish is in very active development:
Pull requests and feature requests are welcome. Feel free to suggest new workflows by opening issues.
- VueJS
- Bulma CSS
- Vue Admin
- Vault API wrapper
See: Architecture
This server should behave as a goldfish, forgetting everything immediately after a request is completed. That, and other inside-joke reasons.
Credits for the goldfish icon goes to Laurel Chan