Deep learning repo (Archive)

Deep Learning Archive

This repo archives useful info for deep learning.

Text books:

1. Deep learning with R

The manning provides tutorials related to the textbook.
Video: https://www.manning.com/livevideo/deep-learning-with-r-in-motion
Rmd repo: https://github.com/jjallaire/deep-learning-with-r-notebooks

2. Dive into Deep Learning

The textbook became publicly released on January 2019. The PDF is available from the below link. https://d2l.ai/

UC Business Analytics

This bookdown webpage covers basic deep learning modeling techniques.


Online Resources

1. MIT 6.S191 Intro to DL:

Course page is here. The slides and videos are available.

Class Topic Link Date
1-1 Intro to DL Part1 By March, 2019
1-2 Deep sequence modeling Part2 By March, 2019
2-1 Deep Computer vision Part1 By April, 15th
2-2 Deep Generating Model Part2 By July, 1st

2. Stanford CS230 Deep Learning

The lecture was publicly released on April 2019. The lecture video is here.

3. Fastai


4. Spring 2019 Full Stack Deep Learning Bootcamp

Video: https://fullstackdeeplearning.com/march2019

5. Deep Generative Models

Stanford university materials: https://deepgenerativemodels.github.io/