
Prints family trees (descendant trees) from GEDCOM format

Primary LanguageJava


FamTree is a tool for printing out famliy trees from gedcom data. I wanted to print out a big tree for a famliy reunion and couldn't find another tool to do this. The primary use of this tool is to print out a tree of descendants from a single individual.

If you want to include pictures in your printouts, you will have to export your GEDCOM from Famliy Tree Maker. This will embed references to media as paths to local files on your disk. FTM also will use a custom GEDCOM _PHOTO tag to indicate which media file is the primary photo of the person. Currently this tool can't handle GEDCOM files exported directly from ancestry.com.

I printed some descendant trees that were about 10 ft wide by using FamTree to create a large PDF and printing the PDF from acrobat reader in poster form.


A zip of the latest released version is here.

How To Build

This project include a gradle build file and wrapper. Use the provided gradlew file to create a project for your IDE or a command line runner. You will need to have a Java 8 JRE or JDK installed and your JAVA_HOME environment variable set with a path to your JRE.

Run gradlew idea to generate a project for IntelliJ Idea. Run gradlew eclipse to generate a project for Eclipse.

Run gradlew dist to build a runnable sample in the build/install/famtree directory and a zip in build/distributions.


Use the script bin/famtree.bat or bin/famtree to run the tool.

Command Line Arguments

usage: famtree [-gen <numgen>] [-help] [-id <ID>] [-in <filename>]
       [-layout <type>] [-names] [-out <filename>] [-stop <ID>] [-type
 -gen <numgen>     maximum number of generations
 -help             Show commmand line usage
 -id <ID>          ID number of top ancestor
 -in <filename>    specifies gedcom input file
 -layout <type>    Type of layout: descendant (default) or paternalline
 -names            List names and IDs in input GEDCOM file
 -out <filename>   specifies input file
 -stop <ID>        Person to stop at
 -type <type>      Type of output: svg or pdf

People are identified in your gedcom file with an ID such as:

0 @I201@ INDI
1 NAME Lisa Franklin /Doty/

When using the id or stop arguments that take an ID parameter, it is the id between the @ signs on the INDI line. For example, famtree -in famdata.ged -id I201 would print out a descendant chart for Lisa Doty.

When creating a chart, I found that in some cases, the resulting chart was just too wide. In these cases you may want to use the -stop parameter to remove one branch from the chart and print another chart for that person's descendants.


This application is licensed under the MIT License