Implementation of a TextView and all its direct/indirect subclasses with native support for the Roboto fonts, includes the brand new Roboto Slab fonts.
- adamkoch
- aldodfmL'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona
- avgx
- brnhffmnnadessoSE
- bryanstern@linear
- castorflexQonto
- codestone
- dadino
- dannyroaSan Francisco, CA
- djandreski
- djegauthIppon Technologies
- erickokContractor at VRT Sporza & open-source dev as 2312 development
- FrancoisBlavoetUSA
- intricationsIntrications
- johnkilex. Aviasales
- kogorou
- mcaap
- meoyawnBangkok
- mikedenny
- moondroidItaly
- morphine9
- MostafaGazarLondon
- MrzyBeijing
- natanoviaTaiwan
- niqo01CouchSurfing
- OneManStudioDotSeOne Man Studio AB
- oudommeas
- runty
- suleymanccelikTurksat
- technicix
- trietbui85Zalora
- vicktorSocialDiabetes, SL | Listen.Doctor
- vlatkod
- walmyrcarvalho@TheImpossibleProject
- yftxSnailGame