
Installing on Linux

  1. Run sudo apt install -y zsh
  2. Run chsh -s $(which zsh)
  3. Close and restart the terminal
  4. Copy or Configure SSH keys for Github (repo is private)
  5. Run cd $HOME && sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply

Installing on Linux (Option 2)

sudo apt update -y \
  && sudo apt upgrade -y \
  && sudo apt install -y curl \
  && sh -c "$(curl -fsLs"

# Run zsh or restart the terminal

Installing on Windows (PowerShell)

  1. Install PowerShell (Core) from Windows Store
  2. ??? (Initialize chezmoi with the remote repo)
  3. Run .\bin\chezmoi.exe init
  4. Close and restart the terminal
  5. Change the font in Windows Terminal for the PowerShell profiles to JetBrainsMono Nerd Font (TODO: How to automate this?)

Development / Updating

  1. Load .local/share/chezmoi
  2. Make edits / udates
  3. Maybe test locally with ~/bin/chezmoi apply
  4. Commit changes
  5. Push changes