Fetch Rewards Android Application: JSON-Parsing

Data Source: https://fetch-hiring.s3.amazonaws.com/hiring.json

To Run the Android app:

  1. Make sure Android Studio is properly installed on your machine. It can be downloaded via this link: https://developer.android.com/studio?gclid=CjwKCAiAioifBhAXEiwApzCztmt56JGaQjUL76ND_LQEAOz-zx6QVmEMSeNMBqpWnRht1iit0RqyExoC4u8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

  2. Ensure that an Android Device is selected and configured on Android Studio (for example, I used a Pixel 4 API 30)

  3. Clean and Build Project

  4. Run Project

  5. The Android application and mobile emulator will show up.

  6. Click on "Fetch Data" and all the correct data (grouped by, filtered, and sorted) should appear!

If you have any questions or follow-up comments, don't hesitate to reach out to me!