OpFlights (OpenFlights Optimal Flights)

Project Team: Ben Thuma, Jing Lin, Katrina Pang, John Li

Important Files

  1. readFromFile.hpp and readFromFile.cpp Code to read airports and routes data file into vectors
  2. Graph.h and Graph.cpp Code to create the graph data structure from vectors
  3. Heap.h and Heap.cpp Code to create the priority queue used for Dijkstra and A*search
  4. AirportTraversal.h and AirportTraversal.cpp Code to create the BFS iterator on the graph
  5. Dijkstra.h and Dijkstra.cpp Code to run Dijkstra's algorithm on the graph
  6. A_search.h and A_search.cpp Code to run A*search on the graph
  7. main.cpp Main code that provides prompts for the user to use the functions
  8. tests/tests.cpp Code containing the test files
  9. tests/.. Folder containing the data files


Building and using main

  1. make to build main.cpp
  2. ./finalproj to run main.cpp
  3. Data should be placed in tests folder; download airports.dat and routes.dat from OpenFlights Dataset
  4. When prompted for the data, enter tests/airports.dat.txt for airport data and tests/routes.dat.txt for route data
  5. There are no output files; all outputs are shown in the console

Building and using test

  1. make test to build tests/tests.cpp
  2. ./test to run the test

Presentation + demo video